2009 Interim Plan
Morris County’s Interim Draft Wastewater Management Plan was submitted to the NJDEP on December 31, 2009. The draft plan is subject to amendments and revision.
The plan consists of a cover sheet(PDF, 22KB), completed Application Form*(PDF, 617KB), chapters for each of the 39 municipalities, and sewage treatment plant facilities(PDF, 81KB) information. (For the Highlands Planning Area Conforming municipalities, the Highlands Council will be working with them to create their chapters and maps. Once completed, these chapters will be included in the Draft Wastewater Management Plan.)
* The links included in this form are out-of-date. However in order to maintain the integrity of the original submission we can not update the form. For the current forms please see: http://www.nj.gov/dep/wqmp/applications.html
Each municipal narrative includes a description of the municipality and its infrastructure, an existing zoning build-out analysis, a capacity analysis of each sewage treatment facility, septic capacity analysis by subwatershed (HUC 14), build-out/capacity analyses (surplus/deficit), and three maps.
Maps: 2M-Existing facilities and served properties; 3M-Future Wastewater Service Areas; 4M-General Zoning.
February 9, 2011 Handouts