Voting and Elections Get information about upcoming elections, register to vote, and find your polling place.
Authorities, Boards and Commissions Morris County is home to over 30 advisory boards, commissions, authorities, and statutory agencies.
Independent Agencies Morris County is home to several independent agencies, such as the County College Board of Trustees and County Superintendent of Schools.
Public Records Request a public record from Morris County (an Open Public Records Act, or OPRA, request).
RFPs and Bids View Morris County RFPs and bids, and learn how to do business with us via the Purchasing Division.
Morris County Small Business Grant Program Through the Morris County Small Business Grant Program, financial support of up to $15,000 is to be provided for qualifying businesses, business owners and nonprofits that do not exceed $5 million in annual gross revenue and have experienced costly interruptions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.