Health Education & Promotion


The Health Education & Promotion program is responsible for providing comprehensive education and materials to prevent illness, injury or disease and to promote quality of life among Morris County residents. 

This section is designed to provide you with comprehensive resources to enhance your understanding on the health-related topics below.

Take The Morris County Health Assessment Survey! We want to hear what YOU think about health in your community!

Speak Up, Morris County! Your Health, Your Say!(PDF, 183KB)

The Morris County Division of Public Health is offering 3 Free Food Handler Courses in 2024, in both English and Spanish! Call to register and get yourself certified!

Get a Handle On Food Safety 2024-English(PDF, 522KB)

Get a Handle on Food Safety 2024- Spanish(PDF, 527KB)

Health Education Programs we offer:

Self-Management (6-Week Programs)

Project Healthy Bones (24-week Program)

Nutrition Program for Pre-Schools

Vectorborne Disease Prevention Program


Tick/Lyme Disease


Air Quality

The following links provide information on air quality and planning for today and other days of concern:

To monitor the current air quality in your area, visit: / recursos en Español.

Sign up for air quality notifications with Enviroflash