On Sept. 10, the front doors to the Administration and Records Building on Court Street will be closed nightly, from 5 to 11 p.m., for about two weeks to accommodate a replacement project. Visitors may still access the building via the courthouse directly across Court Street.
Thank you for reporting a problem with a road in Morris County.
Please note that Morris County does not own or maintain traffic signals on County roads. To report a signal maintenance issue, please contact the municipality the signal is located within, or contact NJDOT if the signal is at a Federal or State roadway intersection.
Morris County only maintains county roads. View a list of county roads to see if this applies to you.
If it's a state road, visit the state's website to report the issue.
If it's a town/municipal road, contact that town to report the pothole.
Call the Road Division Phone Number: 973-285-6763
Send us an email: [email protected]