On Sept. 10, the front doors to the Administration and Records Building on Court Street will be closed nightly, from 5 to 11 p.m., for about two weeks to accommodate a replacement project. Visitors may still access the building via the courthouse directly across Court Street.
Alert to All Renters Who Are Behind in Payments!
Protections against evictions have been broadened and the income threshold for rental assistance has been widened by the State of New Jersey.
But YOU MUST TAKE ACTION to protect yourself by going to this website: https://covid19.nj.gov/pages/renter
As New Jersey winds down the COVID-19 eviction moratorium, the State has introduced critical protections to renter households who experienced economic hardships during the pandemic. To take advantage of state protections, you should complete the State's self-certification form.
If you live in a New Jersey household with income below 120% of your county's Area Median Income, you are permanently protected from eviction or removal at any time for nonpayment of rent, habitual late payment of rent, or failure to accept a rent increase that accrued from March 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021
Depending on your household's income level and specific circumstances, you may also be eligible for protection from eviction or removal through December 31, 2021, and other assistance and services.
Complete the self-certification form to learn about New Jersey protections you may qualify for and complete the necessary self-certification of your household income.
Read here for more details and frequently asked questions regarding renter protections and the self-certification form.