On Sept. 10, the front doors to the Administration and Records Building on Court Street will be closed nightly, from 5 to 11 p.m., for about two weeks to accommodate a replacement project. Visitors may still access the building via the courthouse directly across Court Street.
Published on November 10, 2020
Morristown, NJ - Morris County Surrogate Heather Darling today called for all Morris County residents to join her in a moment of silence to pay respect to America's veterans and their families, as we honor them this Veterans Day, November 11th.
"I am grateful to our veterans for their service and sacrifices on behalf of our nation. These brave men and women have served us without hesitation," Darling said. "It is unfortunate, that due to COVID, we are not coming together, as we have in the past, in ceremonies that honor our Veterans. Although, there will be virtual recognition, I am asking that we take a moment in thought and prayer for these selfless individuals."
God Bless America and God Bless our Veterans.