Morris Supervising Assistant Prosecutor and AP Honored at Law Day

Published on May 05, 2023

Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Supervising Assistant Prosecutor LaJuan Tucker and Assistant Prosecutor Julian Hill were honored at the Black Pioneers in the Law Exhibit opening during the Law Day 2023 celebration at the Morris/Sussex Vicinage in Morristown.

The event was sponsored by the Superior Court of New Jersey, Morris/Sussex Vicinage, the Office of the Ombudsman, and the Vicinage Advisory Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement, in collaboration with the Morris County Bar Foundation, Morris Arts, Art in the Atrium, and the Bethel Church of Morristown.

SAP Tucker and AP Hill were recognized at the opening of the Black Pioneers in the Law exhibit for their achievements and for having made an extraordinary impact on the law and in the community. 

The national theme for this year’s Law Day is “Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration.” Law Day is a national event established by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958 as “a day of national dedication to the principles of government under law.” Law Day provides an opportunity to understand how law and the legal process protect liberty, strive to achieve justice, and contribute to freedom in America.

The Law Day program included a welcome from Assignment Judge Stuart A. Minkowitz, the Pledge of Allegiance led by Trial Court Administrator Susan Chait, the keynote address by Administrative Director Glenn A. Grant, and a recognition Morris County Mock Trial champions, West Morris Mendham High School.

Following the Law Day program was the opening of the exhibit, which includes display cases containing artifacts, photographs, and news articles recognizing black pioneers in the law. On loan from the Bethel Church of Morristown, the exhibit will be displayed in the Jury Assembly Room in the Courthouse and remain open through June 19, 2023, in celebration of Juneteenth.

Opening remarks were made by Judge Michael A. Wright; Rashad Shabaka-Burns, retired director of Probation Services; and Donita Judge, Associate Executive Director for the Center for Constitutional Rights.

The event was attended by representatives of the Morris County Bar Association, Morris County Bar Foundation, and the Morris County Board of County Commissioners.

Prosecutor Robert Carroll said, “I congratulate SAP Tucker and AP Hill on their recognition, and for the leadership they have exhibited at the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office.”


Law Day 2023 Black Pioneers in Law Group.jpg

Prosecutor Robert Carroll, AP Julian Hill, SAP LaJuan Tucker, and First Assistant Prosecutor Maggie Calderwood. 



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