On Sept. 10, the front doors to the Administration and Records Building on Court Street will be closed nightly, from 5 to 11 p.m., for about two weeks to accommodate a replacement project. Visitors may still access the building via the courthouse directly across Court Street.
We have been advised by the NJSP Firearms Investigation Unit that they will not be conducting this class.
This lecture is open to all sworn police officers and any clerical staff involved with the processing of applications.
This course has been created in response to requests for instructional training regarding handling, investigating and processing firearm applications submitted by local citizens.
The course will also cover to the new FARS system being implemented, Title 2C, Chapters 39 and 58, the New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 13, identifying assault firearms, the one-gun-a-month law and how to thoroughly investigate applicants.
Conducted by the New Jersey State Police
Firearms Investigation Unit
Morris County Public Safety Academy, 500 West Hanover Avenue, Morristown, 07963, View Map
500 West Hanover Avenue , Morristown 07963
No Charge