This six day course is designed to assist officers in preparing successful presentations for many settings to include, classroom, department in-service training and public presentations. This course will assist officers in preparing lesson plans, improve teaching strategies, and develop PowerPoint presentations.
Successful completion of the Methods of Instruction Course is one of the requirements necessary to be certified by the Police Training Commission to teach in the Basic Police Class. Attendees who are interested in becoming a certified PTC academy instructor must be willing to participate in two basic recruit classes per year.
This is an ambitious course requiring research, preparation of lesson plans, and 5 videotaped classroom presentations. Computer skills are extremely helpful and access to a computer is a must.
Class size is limited to 18
Limited to one student per department
Students must bring the following material:
Morris County Public Safety Academy, 500 West Hanover Avenue, Morris Plains, 07950, View Map
500 West Hanover Avenue , Morris Plains 07950