Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon Advises On Tips for National Preparedness Month In September 2020

Published on September 01, 2020

September 1st marks the first day of the 15th annual National Preparedness Month that was designated to promote family and community disaster planning throughout the year.

COVID-19 has wrenched apart the best-laid plans by many families and forced even daily changes in schedules and spending. But to the extent people can, it's always wise to be alert to risks of disasters and emergencies in your area and know the needs of each person in your home in case you have to shelter-in-place or evacuate quickly, said Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon.

Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon at the Morris County COVID-19 swabbing test site on the County College of Morris campus Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon at the Morris County COVID-19 swabbing test site on the County College of Morris campus

National Preparedness Month was declared in 2004 “ in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks “ and is sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency within the Department of Homeland Security.

The Department of Homeland Security recommends:

  • Gather supplies “ sufficient water, food, medications, batteries and flashlights “ that will last for several days after a disaster or weather emergency for everyone living in your home. Consider the needs of each person and pet in your household.
  • Update preparedness kits, including with fresh first aid supplies, that are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Click on for additional information.
  • Try to limit the negative impacts that disasters can cause. Keep vehicles filled with fuel. Check insurance coverage. Stay alert to reports of disasters and emergencies in your area.
  • Learn how to make your home stronger in the face of storms and other common hazards and be prepared to act quickly if you receive a local warning or alert.
  • Talk to your children about preparing for emergencies and how to connect in case you are separated. Involve them in planning.
  • Sign up for preparedness text messages. For example, Text PREPARE to 43362 (4FEMA) to receive preparedness tips.

In addition, check the Morris County Office of Emergency Management website at for valuable information on how to register for emergency alerts in your municipality.

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