A Simple Sign Helps to Make a Safer Lake Hopatcong

Published on June 09, 2021

Dock number gives a lake address

Blue Signs Are For Emergencies (B-SAFE Dock Signs) Are Now Available 

B-SAFE Dock Signs, monikers of Lake Hopatcong's Blue Signs Are For Emergencies, Dock Numbering Program, are designed to help emergency personnel efficiently respond to calls by land or water at the lake, and they are now available to residents.

Since 2016, the signs attached to docks, boathouses, and even shoreline trees, have been popping up all around Lake Hopatcong. The blue and white signs improve emergency response times and safety on Lake Hopatcong because each dock number is linked to that lakefront property’s 9-1-1 street address. 

The Dock Numbering Program, launched by the Lake Hopatcong Foundation, aims to improve emergency response times and safety on Lake Hopatcong. If an emergency occurs, an accurate location can be reported using the nearest dock number as a reference point.

“In moments of emergency on the water, it can be very difficult to explain to first responders exactly where you are,” said Lake Hopatcong Foundation Grants and Program Director Donna Macalle-Holly. “These signs provide clear markers that make it that easier for those who are in distress to direct emergency personnel to their location.”

The weatherproof aluminum dock signs measure 8” x 16” with white reflective numbers. The signs do not contain any personal information.

Lakefront property owners may voluntarily purchase and post a B-SAFE Dock Dumber Sign anywhere it can be easily seen from the water.  Signs can be purchased through the Lake Hopatcong Foundation at lakehopatcongfoundation.org.  Signs ordered by June 25 will be delivered in July. 

“Safety is consistently one of the top concerns of residents and users of Lake Hopatcong,” said Lake Hopatcong Foundation Executive Director Kyle Richter. “B-Safe Dock Numbers are a simple way for lakefront property owners to make a positive impact. Each new dock number added will make it easier to pinpoint exact locations on the lake during emergencies, making Lake Hopatcong a little safer for everyone.”

The Lake Hopatcong Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to protecting the lake environment and enhancing the lake experience by bringing together public and private resources to encourage a culture of sustainability and stewardship on and around New Jersey’s largest lake, for this and future generations. To learn more, visit lakehopatcongfoundation.org.


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