Morris County Residents Asked to Take Health Survey

Published on February 28, 2018

As part of an on-going Community Health Needs Assessment, the North Jersey Health Collaborative (NJHC) is distributing its 2018 Community Voice Survey to collect the perspectives of county residents on which issues matter the most for their health and well-being.

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All organizations in Morris County are invited to join the NJHC in disseminating the survey. Here is the list of organizations that have signed-up so far.

The North Jersey Health Collaborative is an independent group of more than 150 partner organizations, including the Morris County Office of Health Management,that work together to create healthy communities and healthy people. The partners represent health care, public health, social services, faith-based groups, employers, and other community organizations which share data, prioritize the data, and share resources to improve community health.

The group's core function is a shared process of assessing community needs and health improvement planning to identify the most pressing health issues facing residents, and to facilitate the development of collaborative action plans to address them.

This is the first time the Collaborative has reached out to residents to include the community voice to identify topics to focus on to improve health in North Jersey.

(PNG, 8KB)To make sure the NJHC chooses issues that really matter to residents, it needs to hear from the people who live and work in our communities. This is your chance to tell us what you think. The survey takes only about 12 minutes to fill out and your answers are completely confidential. (You also can enter for a chance to win $100 and a signed NY Jets football).

By working together, Collaborative partners are strategically aligning their efforts and resources to achieve collective impact on the health of our communities, accomplishing together what could not be done alone. Together, the partners are working to create "healthy communities - healthy people" in Morris County, as well as Passaic, Sussex, Union, and Warren counties.

It is important to understand that socioeconomic factors impact health more than biology or genetics. Lifestyle choices have a major impact on 70 percent of disease, illness and disability. To improve health now incorporates making the places people live, work and play healthier. This cannot be done without collaboration and sharing resources.

The NJHC tabulates health data for Morris County, as well as other members. For more information on the NJHC, including its mission and goals, visit

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