Fast Track Application Procedures
No application form required
FMP – Flood Mitigation Program
FMC – Flood Mitigation Committee
BCC – Board of County Commissioners
- National Disaster declaration from President
- Municipality applies to NJ State – Office of Emergency Management (NJS-OEM) for disaster relief in the form of a “Letter of Intent” (LOI). This is the first step in applying for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding.
- NJS-OEM sends LOI documentation to Morris County Flood Mitigation Program (FMP)
- Municipality is approved by NJS-OEM and applies for FEMA funding
- FEMA obligates monies with Municipality
- FEMA sends Municipal application and analysis to FMP
- FMP staff meets with Municipality to review FEMA application and Morris County FMP procedure going forward
- Municipality provides Public Hearing documentation and Municipal Resolution of support authorizing application to FMP for matching funds
- FMP staff presents application to Flood Mitigation Committee (FMC) for review at their monthly meeting
- If FMC would like to proceed, they provide Preliminary Approval for each Project Area requested which includes:
- Slate of specific parcels, including “priority” and “alternate” properties, and corresponding lump sum amount for each Project Area
- Estimate of County cost share, which includes acquisition and soft costs including demolition.
- “at-risk” statement; soft costs only reimbursed on closed projects
- Morris County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) reviews FMC recommendation, if action is taken to proceed, BCC Resolution is passed which:
- Lists Municipality, Project Area and specific properties therein
- Lists match-funding requested per Project Area in lump sum format
- Requests encumbrance of an estimated dollar amount to cover cost share and soft cost reimbursements
- FMP staff provides Procedural Letter to Municipality detailing acquisition process and list of required closing documents
- Municipality proceeds with landowner negotiations and all due diligence, i.e. appraisals, environmental analysis, surveys, etc. for the slate of specific parcels included in the Preliminary Approval and provides this documentation to FMP staff
- FMP staff reviews all required closing documents as per Procedural Letter
- When ready to close on an individual property, Municipality provides final cost information for the specific parcel, including:
- Executed Sales Contract
- Source of match funding to supplement MC funds
- List of Soft Costs with receipts
- Duplication of Benefits statement
- FMC reviews Municipal final cost information and gives Final Approval for specific parcel which includes:
- Details of project and funding amounts approved (contract purchase price and soft costs)
- Creation of Grant Agreement between MC and Municipality
- Municipality executes Grant Agreement with MC
- FMP staff creates a BCC Resolution for BCC review and action which requests:
- Execution of Grant Agreement
- Release of encumbered funds to Municipality for specific parcel’s closing
- Municipality confirms exact dollar amount for specific parcel acquisition and sets a closing date
- FMP staff sends release of funds request to Treasurer’s office
- FMP funds are wired to Municipality for closing
- Municipality demolishes home and provides copy of recorded Deed showing restrictions on specific parcel within 90 days of closing date