About the Authority

Mission & Goals

What is the Improvement Authority?

The MCIA is an autonomous independent agency that acts as a catalyst for economic development. It provides financial assistance to a variety of local governments, non-profit corporations and private entities. The MCIA is made up of five commissioners appointed by the Morris County Board of County Commissioners.

Who does it serve?

Municipalities, school districts, nonprofit organizations, limited dividend housing corporations, redevelopment entities or other private corporations can apply to the MCIA for project funding.

Projects can include capital equipment, airports, parking facilities, convention centers, tourism facilities, redevelopment projects, areas in need of rehabilitation, and low and moderate income housing projects, among others.

Why apply to the MCIA?

The MCIA can provide significant cost savings. Depending on the financing program and the borrower, the MCIA can provide numerous advantages over traditional financing.

Apply now.(PDF, 157KB)