On Sept. 10, the front doors to the Administration and Records Building on Court Street will be closed nightly, from 5 to 11 p.m., for about two weeks to accommodate a replacement project. Visitors may still access the building via the courthouse directly across Court Street.
In This Section
To provide temporary care of Juveniles (12-18 years old) in a secure setting.
Only a Family Court Judge can order the release of a resident.
Each resident’s Probation Officer is a liaison between the resident and the judge. It is important for parents and the resident to stay in contact with the Probation Officer.
A Social Worker will assist each resident with their respective case needs.
A judge will preside over an initial detention hearing within 24 hours of arrest. This hearing will take place at the Courthouse or the Juvenile Detention Center via phone/computer. For directions to the Morris County Courthouse please call 973-829-8220.
A judge will preside over probable cause hearings and trials. These hearings/trials will take place at the Courthouse or the Juvenile Detention Center via phone/computer. For directions to the Morris County Courthouse please call 973-829-8220.
A judge will preside over case management reviews on a regular basis. These reviews will take place at the Courthouse or the Juvenile Detention Center via phone/computer. For directions to the Morris County Courthouse please call 973-829-8220.
All visitors must call social services and schedule their visit at least 24 hours in advance.
Visitors can only be:
Each visitor must present photo identification. There are no exceptions.
The visiting times are listed below and are determined by the residents' post: 1 visit per resident per visiting day.
The Sergeant must approve all items brought into the facility for residents.
Each resident can make a 10-minute call on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
All calls are outgoing from the Center. All calls may be spot monitored to ensure only approved family members are on the phone.
Each resident is provided clothing and toiletries. However, residents will need 3 pairs of socks and underwear.
We ask that only one set of clothing be kept at the Center. Anything of value will be sent home with the parents.
Our in-house library is available to all residents. All book donations must be from the source store to the Center and will become part of the Library.
Each resident has a private room. A room consists of brick walls with a steel door. Each room has a toilet, sink, bed, mattress and pillow. Staff conducts regular room checks throughout the night. Residents shower in a separate, private room.
There are 3 meals and 1 evening snack per day. Meals are prepared in accordance with nutrition guidelines.
Free postage is available for residents to send letters. Residents may receive letters through the mail. If you wish to mail a letter to a resident, the mailing address for the Center is:
[resident’s name] Morris County Juvenile Detention Center P.O. Box 900 Morristown, NJ 07963-0900
All residents receive a medical exam by a Dr. from Morristown Memorial Hospital along with our on-staff Registered Nurse.
Parents/guardians must provide the following:
Each youth will receive a tuberculosis test within 1 week of admission. Parents are responsible for any prescribed medication, routine and emergency medical care costs.
A Clinical Social Worker is on-staff and is available 24/7 for crisis intervention. Residents may be court ordered to take part in evaluations and/or therapy outside of the Center. In that case, Law Enforcement will transport the resident.
School classes are year-round and meet the NJ Core Curriculum Guidelines. The Educational staff will contact the home school district to establish communication. Residents earn credit towards their High School Diploma, not a GED.
Grades are awarded to each child after participating in the Center’s Educational Program for 10 days. Each child will be tested to determine the need for Basic Skills instruction. No school assignments or books from home/school district are allowed.
Residents earn their levels status (Gold, Silver and Bronze) based on behavior. The higher groups (Gold and Silver) receive more privileges than Bronze. Each resident completes chores such as cleaning their rooms, kitchen and program areas.
Yes, our Home Detention Program is smartphone/App. based. Our program does not use wearable items such as bracelets. For more information on this program, please call 973-285-2963.
If one cannot obtain legal counsel via private attorney, they can apply for a public defender. To apply, you must contact Juvenile Intake. Their contact information is: 862-397-5700 Ext.75190 [email protected]