StoryMaps & Online Tools

Celebrated Past: Cemeteries of Morris County StoryMap

Historic Sites Logo Color.jpg Morris County, New Jersey is routinely named as one of the best places to live using various analytics: the quality of life, fine schools, and safety take premiere spots. The early inhabitants paved the way for the county we reside in today. Día de Los Muertos or Day of the Dead is a celebration of life that occurs in mid-autumn, primarily in Latin countries. In respectful honor of the Day of the Dead, the Office of Planning and Preservation has released a list of Morris County cemeteries, accompanied by obituaries of the county’s ancestors. Click the link above to view the StoryMap.

Morris County in the American Revolution StoryMap

Historic Sites Logo Color.jpg New Jersey has been called the “Cockpit of the Revolution”, with more battles and encampments occurring in the colony of New Jersey than in any other colony. Morris County played a crucial role in the struggle, with civilians and soldiers participating in the Revolution. Click the link above to view the StoryMap.


40 Years of Farmland Preservation StoryMap

black and white farmland preservation logo

2023 is the 40th anniversary of  the Morris County Agriculture Development Board. We celebrated this occasion by illustrating all the farms preserved by the County Easement Purchase Program. Click the link above to view the StoryMap. 



20th Anniversary of the Historic Preservation Program StoryMap

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2022 was the 20th anniversary of the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund program. We celebrated this occasion by illustrating all the historic sites that have received grant funding. Click the link above to view the StoryMap. 



Morris County Flood Zone Mapper

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Cultural Resource Inventory

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Sewer Service Area Parcel Searcher

screenshot of sewer service area parcel searcher

Environmental Constraints Application for WMP Planning

screen shot of environmental constraints application