Municipal Alliances
The Municipal Alliance network is made of local, grassroots, volunteer organizations. This statewide network assesses needs and implements drug prevention programs/activities.
Alliances are overseen by the Morris County Dept. of Human Services and the Governor’s Council on Substance Use Disorder (GCSUD).
How does an Alliance work?
- Established by the municipal government
- The municipal government appoints members
- Made up of community members such as local leaders, school officials, teachers, health officials, law enforcement officers, civic organizations, businesses and private citizens
- Municipal Alliances assess community needs to develop prevention programs/activities
- Applications/funding is approved by the County Alliance Steering Subcommittee (CASS) and the Mental Health Addictions Services Advisory Board (MHASAB)
How are Municipal Alliances Funded?
- Through Drug Enforcement Demand Reduction (DEDR) Fines distributed by the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (GCADA)
- Morris County is funded about $200,000 for the Alliance program
- Drug Enforcement Demand Reduction (DEDR) fines come from persons convicted of drug-related offenses. Fines range from $500 – $3,000 depending on the type and degree of offense.
How do I get involved?
You can start getting involved by doing one of the following:
- Contact your respective Mayor to let him/her know of your interest
- Contact you respective Alliance contact person using the list below
- Contact the County Alliance Coordinator at 973-285-6860 or [email protected]
Does My Municipality Have a Municipal Alliance?
In Morris County, 26 Municipal Alliances are operating which represent 31 municipalities. The active Morris County Alliances are listed below along with their contact information.
- Boonton Township
- Norman Eckstein
155 Powerville Rd, Boonton, NJ 07005
- Butler
- Vikki Szabo
38 Bartholdi Ave, Butler, NJ 07405
973-492-2000 ext. 246
- Chatham (Boro and Township)
- Chester
- Derek Macchia
908-879-5100 ext. 825
- Denville
- Dover/Victory Gardens
- East Hanover
- Hanover Township
- Jefferson
- Kristine Wilsusen
1033 Weldon Rd, Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07845
- Kinnelon
- Vince Russo
130 Kinnelon Rd, Kinnelon, NJ 07405
- Lincoln Park
- Janet Cassidy
34 Chapel Hill Rd, Lincoln Park, NJ 07035
- Long Hill (Watchung Hills Regional Alliance)
- Madison
- The Mendhams
- Montville
- Morris Plains
- Morristown and Morris Township
- Mt. Olive
- Netcong
- Parsippany
- Pequannock
- Randolph
- Rockaway Borough
- Rockaway Township
- Victory Gardens
- Washington Township
- Wharton
Contact Us
- County Alliance Coordinator: Kensie Fosko
- Phone: 973-285-6860
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Physical Address: 1 Medical Drive, Morris Plains, NJ 07950
- Mailing Address: Morris County Dept. of Human Services P.O. Box 900 Morristown, NJ 07963-0900