Continuum of Care


The Morris County Continuum of Care is both a strategic planning body and a vehicle to carry out the responsibilities of a Continuum of Care as defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which includes but are limited to the following duties:

  1. To develop and implement the Morris County ten year plan to end homelessness and other local activities associated with preventing and ending homelessness.
  2. To operate the Continuum of Care as prescribed by HUD in the Continuum of Care regulations.
  3. To designate and operate the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) for the purpose of collecting and analyzing data regarding homelessness.
  4. To coordinate and implement a system to meet the needs of the homeless population within Morris County.
  5. To prepare and oversee the annual HUD Continuum of Care application for federal funds targeted to serve homeless individuals and families.
  6. To ensure that the CoC has strong oversight and guidance through the community-led CoC Executive Committee and its Community Assistance Services Committee.

CoC Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee is made up of no fewer than 12 and no more than 15 members. A minimum of nine voting members represent agencies that do not receive HUD CoC funding and up to four nonvoting “ex-officio” members that receive HUD CoC funds.
  2. The committee shall serve as the primary decision-making body of the Morris County CoC and shall provide leadership and direction in all aspects related to the governance and management of the Community Assistance Services (CAS) Committee.
  3. The Executive Committee is charged with oversight and management of CoC activities. The Executive Committee shall utilize input from the CAS and ad-hoc subcommittees in making decisions.

2024 Meeting Schedule

The CoC Executive Committee meets on the fourth Thursday every other month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and are virtual unless other wise noted. 

The September 26, 2024 meeting will be IN-PERSON at the Division of Community & Behavioral Health Services (MC Non-Profit Mall), 1 Medical Drive, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 (unless otherwise noted). Please use the Executive Drive entrance (parallel to Medical Drive). The building will be on the left. Park and enter the second (middle) entrance. (There is a gazebo to the left of the conference room door.) This door will bring you directly into the conference room.

**Third Thursday due to Thanksgiving holiday.









Voting Members:

  • Alicia Alvarez, Nourish, NJ
  • Elise Bryant, Community Representative
  • Sherina Caban, Housing Partnership
  • Karina Calabuig, Secretary; Catholic Family & Community Services
  • Clarence Curry, Human Relations Commission
  • Allison Delcalzo-Berens, Chair; Morristown Medical Center
  • Carmine Deo, Community Hope
  • Brian Frommelt, Market Street Mission
  • Chris Kirk, PhD., Trenton Health Team
  • Raquel Kooper, Monarch Housing Associates
  • Elorm Ocansey, Community Representative
  • Jonelle Pawlyshyn, Community Representative
  • Rebecca Sherrod, Child & Family Resources, Inc.
  • Kelly Stephens, Vice-Chair; Morris County Housing Authority

Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members:

  • Kasey Errico, Morris County Department of Human Services (CoC Lead Agency)
  • Amy Archer, Morris County Department of Human Services (Alternates for Lead Agency)
  • Maria Fodali, Morris County Office of Temporary Assistance
  • Anna Marie Hess, Administrative Support

CoC Strategy Sessions

Office hours are available for Morris County CoC providers interested in giving input into the CoC process.  Meetings will be held every other month on the fourth Thursday beginning in February:

Community Assistance Services (CAS) Committee

  1. Membership is open to all interested community members and organizations. The CoC encourages participation from anyone serving those at-risk of homelessness, currently or formerly homeless.
  2. Agencies and individuals wishing to become formal members must submit a Morris County CAS application to the CoC Lead Agency which includes contact information, role in the community and designated voting representative.
  3. The CoC is responsible for voting on the Executive Committee membership and may occasionally vote on other items as prescribed by the Executive Committee.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Morris County Community Assistance Services (CAS) Committee, please fill in the registration form to register. You may designate an alternate who can serve as a voting member if you are unable to attend a meeting.

Read the Committee Bylaws(PDF, 270KB).

You can find all information on our website

FY2024 CoC Build NOFO

HUD has announced a new funding opportunity through the Continuum of Care funding process called the CoCBuilds NOFO. This opportunity aims to support the production of affordable permanent supportive housing in the community. HUD aims to award 25 projects nationwide through this funding opportunity. To evaluate whether or not Morris County will be competitive nationwide the CoC Executive Committee is seeking applications from non-profit, PHA, or government entities for affordable housing projects that meet the following criteria:

  • Construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of new Permanent Supportive Housing units
  • Demonstrate site control or able to secure site control by September 2025
  • Demonstrate leveraging commitment of 50% of amount being requested or commitment of vouchers to support 25% of units
  • Budget cannot exceed $5,000,000

Please note only one project can be recommended per Continuum of Care. A project will need to secure a minimum of 60/100 points on the attached scoring tool to even be considered. 


2024 Request for Coordinated Entry Lead Agency


The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to secure an organization to serve as the Coordinated Entry Lead Agency for the Morris County Continuum of Care (CoC).

Coordinated Entry RFP Deadline Extended(PDF, 136KB)

Full Request for Proposal(PDF, 263KB)

FY2024 Budge Worksheet(XLSX, 26KB)

New Project - Agency Application(DOCX, 31KB)

New Project - Project Application(DOCX, 33KB)

2024 HUD Submission: New & Renewal Projects

The Morris County CoC Executive Committee is now accepting submissions from any agencies interested in applying for HUD CoC funding to support both New and Renewal projects through the Morris County CoC local process.

Application Requirements

Agencies interested in applying for CoC funding must complete the following:

2023 HUD Submission: New and Renewal Projects

The HUD CoC program provides funding to programs serving homeless individuals and families.

The Morris County CoC Executive Committee is now accepting Notices of Intent from any agencies interested in applying for funding to support both NEW and RENEWAL projects through the Morris County CoC process.

Application Requirements

Agencies interested in applying for CoC funding must complete the following:

Participate in a mandatory technical assistance webinar on Monday, April 24, 2023, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, using the following webinar link:

  • Submit completed proposals by 4:30 pm, June 2, 2023.

Application Documents

  • 2023 RFP letter
  • 2023 Budget Worksheet
  • 2023 Agency Application
    • 2023 Agency Application Scoring Criteria

Submit Your Application

Proposal applications are to be submitted in two separate documents (Project Narrative in PDF format and Budget Worksheet in Excel format) by electronic mail to the following:

Email Carmine Deo at [email protected] with any questions regarding the 2023 Morris County Notice of Intent process.


Point In Time (PIT)

These reports can also be found on the Monarch Housing Associates website

2023 Morris County PIT(PDF, 4MB)

2023 Morris County PIT Summary(PDF, 421KB)


If you'd like to register a complaint against the Continuum of Care, fill out the Continuum of Care Grievance Form. Thank you for your feedback.